Arabian Night Inspirisan po Penhaligon's Halfeti
Arabian Night Inspirisan po Penhaligon's Halfeti
Arabian Night Inspirisan po Penhaligon's Halfeti
Arabian Night Inspirisan po Penhaligon's Halfeti
Arabian Night Inspirisan po Penhaligon's Halfeti
Arabian Night Inspirisan po Penhaligon's Halfeti

Početna / unisex / Arabian Night

Arabian Night

Inspirisan: Halfeti, Penhaligons Penhaligon's (Maloprodajna Cijena: 260 €)

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MArabian Night Inspirisan po Penhaligon's Halfeti

50 ml glass bottle (Eau de Parfum)

25 €


Bez okrutnosti prema životinjama

Ručni rad

  • 💎 Sastojci vrhunskog kvaliteta!
  • 😶‍🌫 Dugotrajan i intenzivan miris!
  • 👍 Frakcija cijene dizajnerskih parfema!

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A deeply rich and captivating fragrance that blends fruits, spices, and deep notes with creamy jasmine. Try Arabian Night fragrance now!


Gornje note

Grapefruit, Artemisia, Everlasting flower, Ciste, Rose

Srednje note

Cedar wood, Sandalwood, Clove, Cinnamon

Donje note

Vanilla, Labdanum, Leather, Amber, Patchouly

Detalji proizvoda

Our customers' desire for Penhaligon's Halfeti inspired us to craft an affordable Penhaligon's Halfeti dupe that reawakens your unique sense of luxury and seductive elegance.About Penhaligon's Halfeti Penhaligon's Halfet is a mysterious fragrance that captivates a moonlit night on an exotic riverbank and is a creation of the legendary British perfume house Penhaligon's. Released to the public in 2015, this perfume is named after the enchanting Turkish village of Halfeti, known for its rare black roses that bloom along the Euphrates River. The scent is a complex tapestry of notes: the vigorous freshness of grapefruit, the depth of Levantine spices, and the dark romance of the black rose. Together, they create an intoxicating and unforgettably unique fragrance that lingers like a whispered secret.Its retail price of 275$ for a 100ml bottle is often perceived as a premium.Finding a luxury Penhaligon's Halfeti perfume dupe that uplifts your seductive manners can feel like going down a rabbit hole these days. That's why Chez Pierre crafted Arabian Night, which not only uplifts your seductive manners but also reflects the mystical realm, as Amelia Anderson, one of our customers, judged us in their review.Why Does Chez Pierre’s Arabian Night Uplift Your Seductive Manners?Introducing Chez Pierre’s Arabian Night, an enchanting fragrance inspired by the exotic allure of Penhaligon's Halfeti. Encased in a classic 50ml glass bottle, Chez Pierre’s Arabian Night offers a journey into the heart of mystery and opulence, available in two concentrations: the Eau de Parfum (1:4), a lighter yet captivating variant, and the Extrait de Parfum (1:2), for a deeper, more intense olfactory experience.At the outset, Chez Pierre’s Arabian Night greets you with a burst of grapefruit, artemisia, everlasting flower, ciste, and rose.This radiant opening paves the way to a heart of cedarwood, sandalwood, clove, and cinnamon, weaving a tapestry of aromatic warmth that captures the essence of a mystical Arabian night.As the journey continues, the base notes of vanilla, labdanum, leather, amber, and patchouly emerge, grounding the scent in a rich, sensuous embrace. Embrace luxury today with this Penhaligon's Halfeti perfume dupe, also known as Arabian Night, and let this scent tell a story of your seductive manners.

Ocijene kuaca

9 ratings

5 stars


4 stars


3 stars


2 stars


1 stars


Mohammed Efissan

Apsolutno briljantan, uzmite jaču verziju.

5.0 of 5.0

Amelia Anderson

Očaravajući miris koji vas vodi u mistični svijet, preporučen od strane korisnika Reddita, savršen je dodatak mojoj kolekciji parfema kao kupovina naslijepo.

4.0 of 5.0

Mathilde Fournier

Volim egzotičan miris, dodaje dašak misterije mojoj kolekciji. Sjajna kupovina!

4.0 of 5.0

Cristian Smalberger

Vrlo dobar parfem za zimu, odličan za spojeve i zabave.

5.0 of 5.0


A deeply rich and captivating fragrance that blends fruits, spices, and deep notes with creamy jasmine. Try Arabian Night fragrance now!


Gornje note

Grapefruit, Artemisia, Everlasting flower, Ciste, Rose

Srednje note

Cedar wood, Sandalwood, Clove, Cinnamon

Donje note

Vanilla, Labdanum, Leather, Amber, Patchouly

Detalji proizvoda

Our customers' desire for Penhaligon's Halfeti inspired us to craft an affordable Penhaligon's Halfeti dupe that reawakens your unique sense of luxury and seductive elegance.About Penhaligon's Halfeti Penhaligon's Halfet is a mysterious fragrance that captivates a moonlit night on an exotic riverbank and is a creation of the legendary British perfume house Penhaligon's. Released to the public in 2015, this perfume is named after the enchanting Turkish village of Halfeti, known for its rare black roses that bloom along the Euphrates River. The scent is a complex tapestry of notes: the vigorous freshness of grapefruit, the depth of Levantine spices, and the dark romance of the black rose. Together, they create an intoxicating and unforgettably unique fragrance that lingers like a whispered secret.Its retail price of 275$ for a 100ml bottle is often perceived as a premium.Finding a luxury Penhaligon's Halfeti perfume dupe that uplifts your seductive manners can feel like going down a rabbit hole these days. That's why Chez Pierre crafted Arabian Night, which not only uplifts your seductive manners but also reflects the mystical realm, as Amelia Anderson, one of our customers, judged us in their review.Why Does Chez Pierre’s Arabian Night Uplift Your Seductive Manners?Introducing Chez Pierre’s Arabian Night, an enchanting fragrance inspired by the exotic allure of Penhaligon's Halfeti. Encased in a classic 50ml glass bottle, Chez Pierre’s Arabian Night offers a journey into the heart of mystery and opulence, available in two concentrations: the Eau de Parfum (1:4), a lighter yet captivating variant, and the Extrait de Parfum (1:2), for a deeper, more intense olfactory experience.At the outset, Chez Pierre’s Arabian Night greets you with a burst of grapefruit, artemisia, everlasting flower, ciste, and rose.This radiant opening paves the way to a heart of cedarwood, sandalwood, clove, and cinnamon, weaving a tapestry of aromatic warmth that captures the essence of a mystical Arabian night.As the journey continues, the base notes of vanilla, labdanum, leather, amber, and patchouly emerge, grounding the scent in a rich, sensuous embrace. Embrace luxury today with this Penhaligon's Halfeti perfume dupe, also known as Arabian Night, and let this scent tell a story of your seductive manners.

Često postavljena pitanja

1. U kojoj razmjeri su parfemi?

Preporučujemo odnos 1:4 jer se pokazao boljim zbog sastava i odnosa kvaliteta i cijene!

2. Koliko traju vaši parfemi?

Naši parfemi mogu trajati 4-8 sati, neki čak i duže, zavisno od faktora poput sastava, reakcije kože, pravilne upotrebe i odgovarajućeg godišnjeg doba.

3. Imaju li proizvodi rok trajanja?

Da, parfemi imaju rok trajanja od 3 godine od trenutka proizvodnje, koji je naznačen na ambalaži.

4. Jesu li parfemi sigurni?

Svi naši parfemi imaju zdravstveni sertifikat, prošli su sanitarnu kontrolu, ručno su rađeni, veganski su i nisu testirani na životinjama. Bezbedni su ako se pravilno koriste.

5. Kako čuvati proizvode?

Proizvode treba čuvati na sobnoj temperaturi (do 25 stepeni), na suvom mjestu, izbjegavajući sunčevu svjetlost, vlagu i vruća mjesta. Ne treba tresti ili miješati parfem kako bi se izbjegla mogućnost promjene mirisa.

6. Gdje bih trebao prskati parfem?

Najbolje je prskati parfem na pulsne tačke, držeći bočicu na udaljenosti od 10 do 15 centimetara. Previše prskanja treba izbjegavati, a garderoba nije preporučljiva za prskanje.

7. Koji su načini plaćanja?

Mogućnosti plaćanja zavise od zemlje iz koje vršite uplatu

8. Koji su načini slanja?

Na teritoriji Crne Gore šaljemo iz našeg skladišta u Srbiji putem Post Express-a.

9. Koliki su troškovi slanja?

Dostava je besplatna za narudžbe preko 120 EUR. Za narudžbe ispod tog iznosa, poštarina se naplaćuje zavisno o težini paketa, prema važećem cjeniku kurirske službe (7-11 EUR).

10. Gdje je sve moguće slanje?

Slanje je moguće na cijelom teritoriju Republike Crne Gore.

11. Kako da znam gdje mi je pošiljka?

Nakon slanja, od kurirske službe ćete primiti poruku s kodom za praćenje pošiljke. Ako imate pitanja o paketu, možete nas kontaktirati i provjeriti status pošiljke.

12. Odakle dolazi moja pošiljka?

Vaša pošiljka dolazi iz našeg skladišta u Srbiji, odakle šaljemo i širom svijeta.

13. Koliko pošiljci treba vremena da stigne na moju adresu?

Pošiljci je potrebno od 5 do 15 radnih dana da stigne na vašu adresu, uz dostavu svakog radnog dana prijepodne.

14. Što ako nisam dobio/la svoju pošiljku?

Molimo vas da nas kontaktirate putem e-mail adrese [email protected] kako bismo riješili problem.

15. Mogu li otkazati ili izmijeniti svoju pošiljku?

Otkazivanje ili izmjene su moguće u roku od 12 sati od naručivanja ili prije slanja paketa. Zahtjev za otkazivanje ili izmjene možete poslati na e-mail adresu [email protected].

16. Jesu li proizvodi potpuno prirodni?

Trudimo se da naši proizvodi budu s prirodnim sirovinama, koristeći konzervanse samo tamo gdje je najneophodnije radi postojanosti i kvaliteta proizvoda, uz upotrebu sastojaka odobrenih od strane EU.

17. Gdje mogu napisati svoje dojmove?

Recenzije mogu ostaviti samo registrovani kupci na našoj web-stranici Također nas možete kontaktirati putem e-mail adrese [email protected].

18. Gdje mogu postaviti pitanje?

You can ask questions through our email address [email protected], WhatsApp +16183530863, or Instagram profile

Uvijek nam možeš pisati na naš email [email protected]