Inspirisan od: Silver Mountain Water, Creed (Maloprodajna cijena: 345 €)

50 ml glass bottle (Eau de Parfum)
25 €
Bez okrutnosti
Ručno izrađeno
- 💎 Sastojci vrhunskog kvaliteta!
- 😶🌫 Dugotrajan i intenzivan miris!
- 👍 Dio cijene dizajnerskih parfema!
Recenzije naših kupaca
Tao Neo
discovered this gem on social media, now it's my go-to scent.
Christian Mayer
Discovered it on Reddit, worth the purchase for its nice first impression and long-lasting scent.
Stella Clark
Heard about this on Reddit and had to try it, now I understand the hype, it's incredible! #skyfallfan #redditrecommendation
Sophie Bonnet
This fragrance reminded me of the original version, but with a unique twist that made me purchase it more than once.
Emilie Bertrand
A Reddit user told me about this fragrance, but it doesn't live up to the hype; it's generic and unremarkable.
Nora Lopez
It's a mesmerizing scent that makes you feel like you're flying in the clouds.
Connor Rodriguez
fades quickly.
Jian Pang
Mediocre at best, fails to capture the elegance and allure of the name.
Jin Low
heard about it on reddit.
Zheng Heng
This captivating fragrance will transport you to a world of glamour and excitement.
Roos Brouwer
A sophisticated and elegant perfume that makes you feel like a true Bond girl.
Hazel Harris
a fresh and invigorating scent that makes me feel confident and ready to take on anything.
Nathan Scott
This scent is captivating and unique, perfect for a first-time purchase.
Dustin Duvall-Black
This smells so cool and fresh! I haven't smelled Creed's Silver Mountain Water before, so if I had to compare it to anything, it would be almost like Chrome Azzaro or maybe Nautica. The only downside is, it doesn't last very long. I still may buy the full sized bottle anyways because it does smell amazing!
Opis proizvoda
Hladan, oštar povjetarac spušta se sa snježnih vrhova, noseći šapat čistoće i svježine - to je ljepota Skyfall-a. Njegov miris je spokojno putovanje kroz alpske predele, gdje blistavi potoci presijecaju netaknuti snijeg i zelene livade.
Gornje note
Bergamot orange, Lemon, Cumin, MandarinSrednje note
Sandalwood, Violet, Rose, Black currant, Green teaDonje note
White Musk, Amber, MossDetalji proizvoda
Chez Pierre's Skyfall nadilazi biti samo duplikat Creed Silver Mountain Water mirisa i postaje pravi doživljaj parfema. To je putovanje disanja, zrak planina uhvaćen u bočici. Kada se nanese, pruža svjež alpski nalet, savršen za nositelje koji obožavaju klasični stil, ali žude za daškom suvremenog osvježenja.
Recenzije naših kupaca
5 stars
4 stars
3 stars
2 stars
1 stars
Tao Neo
discovered this gem on social media, now it's my go-to scent.
Christian Mayer
Discovered it on Reddit, worth the purchase for its nice first impression and long-lasting scent.
Stella Clark
Heard about this on Reddit and had to try it, now I understand the hype, it's incredible! #skyfallfan #redditrecommendation
Sophie Bonnet
This fragrance reminded me of the original version, but with a unique twist that made me purchase it more than once.
Emilie Bertrand
A Reddit user told me about this fragrance, but it doesn't live up to the hype; it's generic and unremarkable.
Nora Lopez
It's a mesmerizing scent that makes you feel like you're flying in the clouds.
Connor Rodriguez
fades quickly.
Jian Pang
Mediocre at best, fails to capture the elegance and allure of the name.
Jin Low
heard about it on reddit.
Zheng Heng
This captivating fragrance will transport you to a world of glamour and excitement.
Roos Brouwer
A sophisticated and elegant perfume that makes you feel like a true Bond girl.
Hazel Harris
a fresh and invigorating scent that makes me feel confident and ready to take on anything.
Nathan Scott
This scent is captivating and unique, perfect for a first-time purchase.
Dustin Duvall-Black
This smells so cool and fresh! I haven't smelled Creed's Silver Mountain Water before, so if I had to compare it to anything, it would be almost like Chrome Azzaro or maybe Nautica. The only downside is, it doesn't last very long. I still may buy the full sized bottle anyways because it does smell amazing!
Opis proizvoda
Hladan, oštar povjetarac spušta se sa snježnih vrhova, noseći šapat čistoće i svježine - to je ljepota Skyfall-a. Njegov miris je spokojno putovanje kroz alpske predele, gdje blistavi potoci presijecaju netaknuti snijeg i zelene livade.
Gornje note
Bergamot orange, Lemon, Cumin, MandarinSrednje note
Sandalwood, Violet, Rose, Black currant, Green teaDonje note
White Musk, Amber, MossDetalji proizvoda
Chez Pierre's Skyfall nadilazi biti samo duplikat Creed Silver Mountain Water mirisa i postaje pravi doživljaj parfema. To je putovanje disanja, zrak planina uhvaćen u bočici. Kada se nanese, pruža svjež alpski nalet, savršen za nositelje koji obožavaju klasični stil, ali žude za daškom suvremenog osvježenja.
Često postavljana pitanja
1. Koja je koncentracija mirisnih esencija za Chez Pierre parfeme?
Naši parfemi su u 1:4 Eau de Parfum. Došli smo do zaključka da je ovo najbolji odnos parfema konsultacijom sa stručnjacima u ovoj oblasti i vašim recenzijama. Trudimo se optimizovati proizvodnju i pružiti najbolje performanse parfema. Smatramo da je to najbolja opcija za ovaj parfem!
2. Koliko dugo traju vaši parfemi?
Parfemi mogu trajati 4-8 sati, neki čak i duže, zavisno od faktora kao što su mirisne note, individualne karakteristike kože, sezonska kompatibilnost, pravilna upotreba i skladištenje.
3. Da li proizvodi imaju rok trajanja?
Parfemi imaju rok trajanja od 3 godine od trenutka proizvodnje. Rok trajanja je naznačen na pakovanju.
4. Da li su parfemi bezbjedni?
Svi naši parfemi imaju zdravstveni certifikat, prošli su sanitarnu kontrolu, ručno su rađeni, veganski su i nisu testirani na životinjama. Bezbijedni su ako se pravilno koriste.
5. Kako čuvati proizvode?
Proizvode treba čuvati na sobnoj temperaturi (do 25 stepeni), na suhom mjestu, daleko od sunčeve svjetlosti, vlage i toplote. Izbjegavajte mućkanje ili miješanje parfema da biste spriječili vazdušne mehuriće koji bi mogli promijeniti miris.
6. Gdje da prskam parfem?
Parfemi se najbolje prskaju na pulsne tačke, držeći bocu 10 do 15 centimetara udaljenu. Izbjegavajte prskanje na odjeću i budite oprezni da ne previše prskate.
7. Koje su metode plaćanja?
Sve uplate idu preko Stripe-a. Stripe-ova platforma za plaćanje omogućava vam da prihvatate kreditne kartice, debitne kartice i popularne metode plaćanja širom svijeta, kao i pouzećem za neke zemlje!
8. Koje su metode dostave?
Vaša narudžba će biti poslata iz EU skladišta u Sloveniji. Paketi se šalju putem Packeta. Vaš paket će biti dostavljen od strane lokalnog kurira, na primjer dpd, hermes, bartolini, itd.
9. Koji su troškovi dostave?
Trošak dostave zavisi od odredišta paketa, krećući se od 4,99 EUR do 12,99 EUR. Besplatna dostava za narudžbe od 80 EUR ili više.
10. Gdje je moguće poslati?
Šaljemo širom svijeta, a možete odabrati svoju zemlju prilikom naplate na našoj web stranici.
11. Kako da znam gdje je moja pošiljka?
Nakon naručivanja sa chez-pierre.com, dobićete broj za praćenje putem email-a ili sms-a. Koristite ovaj broj za praćenje svog paketa kao što je navedeno u poruci koju ste primili.
12. Odakle dolazi moja pošiljka?
Vaša pošiljka dolazi iz Slovenije, gdje je naše EU skladište.
13. Koliko traje da pošiljka stigne na moju adresu?
Procijenjeno vrijeme dolaska (ETA) je 3 do 5 radnih dana. Za pitanja o kašnjenju ili tačnom datumu isporuke možete kontaktirati našu korisničku podršku!
14. Šta ako nisam primio svoju pošiljku?
Molimo kontaktirajte nas putem email adrese help@chezpierre.rs.
15. Mogu li otkazati ili izmijeniti svoju pošiljku?
Otkazivanje ili promjene NISU moguće nakon naručivanja.
16. Da li su proizvodi potpuno prirodni?
Trudimo se da koristimo prirodne sastojke, koristeći konzervanse samo gdje je to neophodno za trajnost i kvalitet proizvoda. Koriste se sastojci odobreni od strane EU.
17. Gdje mogu podijeliti svoje utiske?
Možete ostaviti recenziju na našoj web stranici chez-pierre.com ako ste naručili uz prijavljeni račun. Alternativno, kontaktirajte nas putem help@chezpierre.rs.
18. Gdje mogu postaviti pitanja?
Možete postaviti pitanja putem naše email adrese help@chezpierre.rs, WhatsApp-a +16183530863, ili Instagram profila https://www.instagram.com/chezperfume/
Tao Neo
discovered this gem on social media, now it's my go-to scent.
Product Review: Skyfall
5.0 of 5
Christian Mayer
Discovered it on Reddit, worth the purchase for its nice first impression and long-lasting scent.
Product Review: Skyfall
4.0 of 5
Stella Clark
Heard about this on Reddit and had to try it, now I understand the hype, it's incredible! #skyfallfan #redditrecommendation
Product Review: Skyfall
5.0 of 5
Sophie Bonnet
This fragrance reminded me of the original version, but with a unique twist that made me purchase it more than once.
Product Review: Skyfall
5.0 of 5
Emilie Bertrand
A Reddit user told me about this fragrance, but it doesn't live up to the hype; it's generic and unremarkable.
Product Review: Skyfall
3.0 of 5
Nora Lopez
It's a mesmerizing scent that makes you feel like you're flying in the clouds.
Product Review: Skyfall
5.0 of 5
Connor Rodriguez
fades quickly.
Product Review: Skyfall
3.0 of 5
Jian Pang
Mediocre at best, fails to capture the elegance and allure of the name.
Product Review: Skyfall
3.0 of 5
Jin Low
heard about it on reddit.
Product Review: Skyfall
5.0 of 5
Zheng Heng
This captivating fragrance will transport you to a world of glamour and excitement.
Product Review: Skyfall
5.0 of 5
Roos Brouwer
A sophisticated and elegant perfume that makes you feel like a true Bond girl.
Product Review: Skyfall
5.0 of 5
Hazel Harris
a fresh and invigorating scent that makes me feel confident and ready to take on anything.
Product Review: Skyfall
5.0 of 5
Nathan Scott
This scent is captivating and unique, perfect for a first-time purchase.
Product Review: Skyfall
5.0 of 5
Dustin Duvall-Black
This smells so cool and fresh! I haven't smelled Creed's Silver Mountain Water before, so if I had to compare it to anything, it would be almost like Chrome Azzaro or maybe Nautica. The only downside is, it doesn't last very long. I still may buy the full sized bottle anyways because it does smell amazing!
Product Review: Skyfall
4.5 of 5